CC4 - 3. Outbound Configuration

CC4 - 3. Outbound Configuration

The inbound and outbound configuration will work based on what data and status should be expected to be sent out Jira or received back from SolMan. The outbound configuration considers the most of the fields available in a Issue Type.

What fields can be synchronized and how is dependent of the mapping profile you’ve chosen.

Please refer to this page to understand how this section has to be configured

CC4 - Connection Templates


CC4 - 3.1 Status Mapping

The status mapping should be created based on the User Status from SAP Solution Manager. Each status change in Jira side that is mapped on this table will send to SAP Solution Manager a User Status.

To make things easier, we created a Jira Workflow that represents the same status we want to synchronize from SolMan. The status change for our example will happen according to the following schema:

CC4 - 3.2 User Mapping

This mapping is used to describe the user synchronization based on the fields required to the sync with the Requirement.

To create a new mapping entry, please filter the correct “Connection Profile” and click on “Create User Mapping”.

Inform all required fields according to the interface requirement.

CC4 - 3.3 Text Mapping

This mapping is used to describe the multiline text fields required to the sync with the Requirement.

To create a new mapping entry, please filter the correct “Connection Profile” and click on “Create Text Mapping”.

Inform all required fields according to the interface requirement.

CC4 - 3.4 Field Mapping

This mapping is used to describe the singleline fields required to the sync with the Requirement. You can synchronize Jira Standard fields and Custom Fields.

To create a new mapping entry, please filter the correct “Connection Profile” and click on “Create Field Mapping”.