CC4 - Set Up - Jira Side

CC4 - Set Up - Jira Side

Create a technical user or choose an existing user

  • You need a technical user on Jira side for communication from SAP Solution Manager to Jira.

  • Logon to your Jira Cloud Instance with the technical user

    • Please check the logon to your Jira Cloud Instance with the technical user created in the step before.

  • Verify authorities

    • Access to Jira project
      Verify that you can access the Jira Projects where you want to use the CC4 Cloud. If there are no Projects existing, you or your administrator have to create it once.

    • Create, edit an read tickets of type story, bug and task.
      Verify that you can create, edit and read tickets of type Story, Bug, Task.

    • Call api for reading ticket details
      Verify that you are able to call api for reading ticket details by using a Browser. Ensure that you logged in to Jira Cloud instance before. https://<host>:port/rest/api/latest/issue/<issue-key>. If you have the browse URL in your hand, you just have to replace “/browse/” by “/rest/api/latest/issue/”.

Create API token

Go to your Jira Account Settings with the technical user→ Security → API Token
or use the link https://id.atlassian.com/manage-profile/security/api-tokens



→ Create a API token and remember it for RFC destination creation on SAP side.

Register/Refresh https certificate - Download in Jira

  • Please access your Jira Cloud Instance e.g. by using the URL https://<host>:port/.

  • Open certificate e.g. in Chrome by clicking the lock next to the URL and select “Connection is secure“ and “Certificate is valid”.



  • In the “Details”-tab of the certificate-viewer you can export the certificate.

You need the certificate to upload it in your SAP system after you finished the set up on Jira side. You can find the documentation for this steps on the page CC4 - Set Up - SAP | Maintain https certificate in STRUST

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