CC4 Integration Records Assignment Block

CC4 Integration Records Assignment Block


Our product is introducing an additional UI Assignment block “Cross Connector: Integration Records” that can be added to the UI configuration of the process type you are synchronizing.

It provides a status overview of each synchronization of the ticket. It helps in understanding whether a synchronization was inbound or outbound and whether it was successful or not at a particular date and time.

Usually you will see a set of latest snychronization activities. However you can use some filter options to analyze all the past inbound and outbound actions.



Secondary assignment block

In former releases of our product we introduced two additional UI Assignment blocks. Since CC4 DC 1.4.1 these assignment blocks got merged to one unified assignment block.

If you activated the old assignment block /XALM/CC4_SYNC_LOG in the past, please deactivate it now. It is no longer used and will be decommisioned in future.

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