Migration CC4 1.x -> 2.x - SAP

Migration CC4 1.x -> 2.x - SAP

There will be a big change implemented in your SAP Solution Manager system when upgrading CC4 ABAP side from version 1.3.1 to 2.0.0. Till version 1.3.1 only Jira Server was supported as external tool. From 2.0.0 any external tool is supported including Jira Cloud and Service Now. The version 2.0 is containing architecture, customizing and development changes.

You should always implement our newest CC4 version on SAP Solution Manager side and on external tool side to get all latest improvements and bug fixes and to be able to use our support. The newest CC4 version is containing the new and old solution in parallel.

You are using the old solution if you are using action /XALM/CC4_CR or /XALM/CC4_UP for outbound and/or you are using a configuration profile being a copy of TEMPLATE. On the other side our new solution can be identified by outbound action /XALM/CC4_SX and/or a configuration profile based on TEMPLATE_* where reference profile is not empty.

There is no need to switch to the new solution if the old solution is satisfying your needs. The old solution is still working and will still be supported. No manual migration step is needed.

A migration is only possible if in the past you were using CC4 1.3.1 or prior for synchronizing SAP Solution Manager with Jira Server or Jira Data Center. If you are starting with CC4 2.0 or later or if you are integrating external tools other than Jira Server or Data Center, you are always using the new solution. There is no old solution existing for such use cases or implementation paths.

If you are currently using the old solution but you want to benefit from the new solution with some fancy new features, you have to proceed following migration steps. You have to proceed all these steps sequentielly to migrate completely. But you can also take a break on a certain level in case you are reaching a level satisfying your needs. All these migration changes will not break your solution for new transactions and for already created/synchronized/closed transactions.

  1. SPRO: You have to replace socm action /XALM/CC4_CR and /XALM/CC4_UP by /XALM/CC4_SX if you are triggering an outbound sync by ChaRM framework status change. If you are triggering an outbound sync by a ppf action (processing method HF_EXECUTE_ACTION with action id /XALM/CC4_CR and /XALM/CC4_UP), you have to replace processing method HF_EXECUTE_ACTION by processing method /XALM/CC4_SX. Now you are using our new framework for outbound but with old customizing. Therefore some features are still inactive but could be activated manual by customizing. For instances you can now make use of the new logging options.

  2. SM30 → /XALM/CC4_SFM_VC: Your configuration profile is a copy of TEMPLATE. The reference profile is #1LEGACY. In order to use all new features which were active by default you have to use “TEMPLATE_JIRA_SERVER” instead. Please change reference profile to TEMPLATE_JIRA_SERVER and reference type to “Lookup”. Now you are inheriting customizing from TEMPLATE_JIRA_SERVER. Some new features might now be available (for instances conversion routines). Some features are still deactivated (for instances new attributes).

  3. Please run report /XALM/CC4_CUST_UPDATE. This report will check for new configuration settings available and active in profile TEMPLATE_JIRA_SERVER. It will activate these configuration settings in your profile as well. Please note that migration step could cause functional changes which need to be tested and which need some configuration changes on the side of the external tool as well. For instances some new fields/data might be now configured and activated for synchronization. You have to configure and activate these attributes on external tool side as well or you have to deactivate these new fields if not needed.
    In the past attribute IVATTACHMENT was used. Now an attribute ISATTACHSET is available. Both attributes are adressing the same need (synchronization of attachments). You should now remove IVATTACHMENT. You should deactivate ISATTACHSET if IVATTACHMENT was deactivated or not existing before.

  4. If you configured your own process type in the past, you have to check whether a change is needed here as well in case there are some changes/improvements at the configuration for the SAP standard process types. This step is not supported automatically. Please be aware of the fact that all configurations for the empty process type are applying for all process types.

  5. You are still using your old profile with some additional settings. But some features are still deactivated. You might face the issue, that your profile is containing obsolete or inherited-redundant configuration which could be removed. You can do all these steps manually in case you want to have full control of the migration process and if you are an CC4 expert. Alternatively you can remove your configuration profile completely and build it up from scratch using report /XALM/CC4_CUST_CREATE. If you want to do this fundamental change, you can skip step 2, 3 and 4, of course. Please create a backup copy of your configuration profile first.

  6. In Web UI you were using two assignment blocks in the past one for the Cross Connector sync status and one for the Cross Connector log. Since CC4 version 2.0 the Cross Connector log is no longer used. This is true even if you are not performing any migration steps still using the old solution. The CC Log AB is still existing but will no longer receive any new data. You can/should hide it.

The new solution is currently not completely tested and officially released for customers using the old solution. Please create a backup, perform intensive testing, start in your test instance first and inform us about any issue.

We are reccommending not to perform the migration. In most cases the effort and risk will be higher than the benefit. But if you start a new integration scenario (jira project, process type, …), you should of course use the new solution even if you are using the old solution for another project or process type.

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