Business Requirement / IT Requirement Use Case

Business Requirement / IT Requirement Use Case

This article shows how to configure the scenario of the interplay between Business Requirement and IT Requirement. It can also be used as a template to configure any other “Parent document / child document” scenario.

The following explicit use cases are covered by this article:

  1. An Epic is created in Jira, a status change triggers the synchronization and a corresponding Business Requirement is created in SolMan. The Business Requirement is then processed in SolMan until the IT Requirement is created automatically via status change. The automatically created IT Requirement creates a Story under the respective Epic.

  2. A user creates further IT Requirements in SolMan under the Business Requirement from step 1. These IT Requirements should automatically be synchronized as Storys related to the Epic from step 1.

This use case was configured for CC4 with the following versions:

  • Jira app: 1.4.10

  • SAP: 2.3.0

In case CC4 does not meet the above mentioned versions in your system and you are facing issues implementing this use case, please open a ticket at our service desk via the following link:

Cross ALM - Support and Helpdesk

Synchronization of Parent Transactions: Epic ↔︎ Business Requirement

Set Up on Jira side

There is no special configuration needed for the synchronization of the parent transactions (Epic/Business Requirement). Simply define the Status/User/Text/Fields Mapping for the Inbound/Outbound Configuration as desired.

Set Up on SAP side

There is no special configuration needed for the synchronization of the parent transactions (Epic/Business Requirement). Simply define the Transaction Field Mapping & Conversion for the respective transaction type.

Synchronization of Child Transactions: Story ↔︎ IT Requirement

Set Up on Jira side

There is no special configuration needed for the synchronization of the parent transactions (Epic/Business Requirement). Simply define the Status/User/Text/Fields mapping for the inbound and outbound configuration as desired.

Set Up on SAP side

Select the respective Configuration Profile → Transaction Type → Transaction Field Mapping & Conversion. The following two entries must be present:


Object Name

Field Name

Logical Key



Object Name

Field Name

Logical Key













There is no need for further Transaction Value Mapping for any of the two entries.

Example: Use Case 1

An Epic is initially created in Jira. When the status of this Epic is switched to “In Progress”, a Business Requirement should be created in SolMan related to the Epic. The respective setting is defined in the Outbound Configuration.


The status switch to “In Progress” triggers the synchronization.

The Business Requirement is now processed on SolMan side until the first IT Requirement is created. In this case it is status “Handed over to IT”.

The IT Requirement and the related Story are created successfully.

In this case the SOCM action /XALM/CC4_SX was configured for the IT Requirement.

In Jira, the Story is linked to the respective Epic.


Create Outbound fails with “[Validation error in Jira Ticket] Reporter is required”

During the creation of the IT Requirement by switching the status of the Business Requirement to “Handed over to IT”, the synchronization for the IT Requirement could fail with the following error message resulting in the failure of creating the corresponding Story in Jira.

The reason for this error is that for the creation of the Story in Jira, the field “Reporter” is mandatory.

Depending on the customizing in the CC4 view cluster, the partner function that is mapped to the “Reporter” could be empty when the IT Requirement is created. In this case, please have a look at the Follow-up Document Creation in SAP SPRO and ensure that the mapped partner is filled when the IT Requirement is created.

Error “500: Failed” in action ‘Transit’ and direction ‘Outbound’

During the creation of the IT Requirement the following error could appear. Despite the error message the respective Story is created successfully on Jira side.

The reason for this error message lies in the CC4 customizing. For the configuration profile in Action Definition & Connection Settings the action Transit/Outbound is defined.

This action is used for an explicit status change of the Jira transaction. Since in this use case we do not want to execute a status change when initially creating the Jira transaction (we just want to create the Jira transaction), the error could be ignored. Alternatively, the action Transit/Outbound can be disabled.

Example: Use Case 2

This use case is just an extension of the first use case. In the already created IT Requirement execute the action to create a further IT Requirement.

The story is automatically created under the related Epic.


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