Logging and Tracing of interface communication in SAP

Logging and Tracing of interface communication in SAP

Troubleshooting via Cross Connector Synchronization Log Assignment Block

The Cross Connector synchronization log provides an overview of all the synchronizations of the ticket which happened on a particular date and time. It helps to easily identify whether the synchronization was successful or if an error occurred.

In case of any error has occurred during the synchronization, the status icon will be red in color and the processing log gives the information about the error.

Also, the field ‘Direction’ helps to identify whether the synchronization was inbound or outbound.

Troubleshooting via SLG1 Log

The SLG1 Cross Connector log provides detailed information about the Processing of the Cross Connector.

It helps to see, which fields and data have arrived as inbound payload and outbound payload.

It also shows the detailed step-by-step processing data of the cross connector, like field and value mapping, or if any error occurred during the processing or whether it was processed fine.

How to activate the SLG1 Cross Connector Log?

CC4 ABAP prior to 2.3.0: The SLG1 Cross Connector Logging can be activated by adding the parameter key /XALM/CC4_ACTIVATE_LOG and value 'X' in the AGS_WORK_CUSTOM table.

CC4 ABAP from 2.0.0: The logging option has to be specified when configuring the configuration profile.

CC4 ABAP from 2.0.0 to 2.3.0: Both logging options have to be configured for full application logging.

Steps to add the entry in the AGS_WORK_CUSTOM table (only relevant for CC4 ABAP prior to 2.3.0)

Go to SM30 transaction and open 'AGS_WORK_CUSTOM'

and enter the parameter key and parameter value as below.

How to view the SLG1 Cross Connector Log?

The SLG1 Cross Connector Log can be seen, using the object /XALM/CC4.

Short Dumps: Transaction ST22

Especially if the Jira app is alerting a http 500 error, you should search for a short dump in your SAP Solution Manager system.

SAP Gateway Error Log and Trace: /IWFND/ERROR_LOG + /IWFND/TRACES

If you are facing any issue receiving/processing an odata call from external to SAP Solution Manager, you should have a look into the SAP Gateway Error log. If this is not helping, you should activate a trace for your technical user used by the Jira app.

Please note that you have to call these transaction codes with /n/IWFND/ERROR_LOG and /n/IWFND/TRACES in SAP GUI.

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