"Backward" status switch does not trigger outbound-sync-action

"Backward" status switch does not trigger outbound-sync-action

All status changes in the “normal flow” are working correct.

However if a switch, e.g. from “To be tested” to “In Development” is triggered, neither the outbound sync nor the SLG1 is triggered.


First check if the actions are configuered with the wished sequence order in the settings for Change Transaction Types:

Example for assigned actions

Navigate there via spro → SAP Solution Manager → Capabilities (Optional) → Change Control Management → Change Request Management Framework → Make Settings for Change Transaction Types.

If the required action is still not be executed, make sure the action triggered in the first place doesn’t block or skip other actions:

For example, the status change from “To be tested” to “In Development” is a “Reset Status” status change.

These “Reset Status” status changes on solman actually skip the linked socm actions because they have an additional flag assigned in the action definition:

If you remove the flag from the action definition, all additional actions avaiable will also be triggered when the status change is executed.

Navigate to the action definitions via spro → SAP Solution Manager → Capabilities (Optional) → Change Control Management → Transactions → Actions → Change Actions and Definitions → Define Action Profiles and Actions.