Connection Settings

Connection Settings

Connection Settings is the section of the configuration that defines how the Jira System will connect to the SAP Solution Manager or the managed SAP Systems. In order to achieve this, commence by defining a connection by navigating to Connection Settings and selecting edit.


Description of your Connection Profile.

This is freely definable.

SolMan Url

Url to SAP Solution Manager/SAP System.

Jump In Url

Url to jump into a Transport Request.
For this you can enter a Host and Port for SolMan Url or a complete URL with a variable #TR_ID# for the Transport Request ID. Otherwise, enter the SolMan URL again.

For the complete URL you have multiple options:

  • URL to transport organizer in SAP GUI

  • URL to transport organizer in the Browser (ITS SAP GUI Web UI)

  • URL to transport organizer Web UI (Webdynpro Application)

  • Custom specifiy URL to a ABAP report or fiori application

System ID

The ID of the system with the transport configuration.

SAP Client

Specify the client of the SAP system with the transport configuration.

SAP Language

Specify the language of the SAP system with the transport configuration.


SAP User ID of the synchronization user that will be used to establish the connection.


Password of the synchronization user.


After you have saved and created your connection profile, it will appear on the list.