Customer Actions

Customer Actions

Customer Actions correspond to all of the actions available to users. This includes technical actions executed by the system, as well as freely definable actions.

In order to configure the Customer Actions navigate to Customer Actions and press the Add Customer Action button.


Fill out the following information


Action Type


Start by configuring the mandatory actions that will be used by the system.

Action Type


Recommended Description


Action Type


Recommended Description



Used right after creation via the plugin

Created, New



Used after the transport request is deleted either in the managed system or via the plugin.

The transport remains in the list with this status description set.




Used when the transport has been released in the managed system and therefore, cannot be deleted anymore.




Used when wanting to add transport requests that already exist in the managed system

Couple, Added, New



Used for removing the link of the transport to the specified Jira issue and makes it disappear from the list


a description is not relevant, as the it will vanish from the list



Uses to import transport request in th next system.




You are also free to define your own actions. You can define as many custom actions as you see fit.

Action type Custom is not used for technical operations on the transport itself and acts as a custom label as well as triggering the mail notification below.

up to you



Used to sort the list of the transport requests




Used to create and import a transport of copies in the next system. The ToC will be shown in the list.
(Only possible for modifiable transports)

Transport of copies



Used to upload a transport request.





After creating the Customer Actions you will be able to see them:

You can edit an Action by pressing the edit button or deleting it by pressing the delete button.

Email Template

The Cross Connector also includes an email sending functionality which consists of notifying different recipients assigned to an issue about actions that were executed for a specific Transport Request. For this you have to define who should be notified and prepare an HTML-Template located on the right side of the Transport Management Configuration page. This email can be written with variables that are provided by the Connector itself.

HTML Email template example

This is an example of an HTML template. As mentioned above, you can compose the Template as you wish with the variables that are available.

Email Variables

#JIRA_ISSUE_KEY# - the key of the ticket in Jira
#JIRA_ISSUE_URL# - the URL to reach the ticket in the Jira server
#RECIPIENT_DISPLAYNAME# - the name to whom the email is sent
#SENDER_DISPLAYNAME# - the name of the current user that triggers the action
#CUSTOMER_ACTION# - the name of the action that was executed (also works for INITIAL and DELETE)
#AFFECTED_REQUESTS# - Requests that were affected by the action

Email Template




<p>Dear #RECIPIENT_DISPLAYNAME#,</p> <p>The action <strong>#CUSTOMER_ACTION#</strong> was executed for the for the following Transport Requests:</p> <p>#AFFECTED_REQUESTS#</p> <p>For more details, access <a href="#JIRA_ISSUE_URL#">#JIRA_ISSUE_KEY#</a>.</p> <p>Kind regards,</p> <p>#SENDER_DISPLAYNAME#</p>





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