Upgrade Post-processing

Upgrade Post-processing

“After updating the Jira app its not working properly anymore”


Necessary SAP Actions

We have included a bit list of added features and bug fixes in our new cloud release (starting with number 5.X.X).

This necessitated a lot of breaking changes in the backend SAP oData service. This means you will have to upgrade to the newest SAP backend version before updating your app!

If you were already a customer of our app we did our best to reach out to you in order to give you the necessary files. If we missed you for any reason, please request the new trs from our service desk



Please also note, that we included additional endpoints so you will have to re-activate the oData service after import as lined out here:

Activate and Maintain oData-Service

If you face any issues during activation, please also check out

OData service cannot be activated or used?

Necessary Jira Actions

In addition we now support multiple configuration profiles, which requires you to create your previously maintained profiles again to adjust them to the new storage format. If you had any profiles configured before, your manage apps screen should look like this





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