Logging & Tracing

Logging & Tracing

Since CC5 ABAP version 2.6.0 we are supporting a logging & tracing feature. This feature is very helpful for analyzing unexpected issues. You will be able to understand which activities are getting triggered and what they are doing in which sequence. You will get execution details including hidden information, success, warning, error messages but also execution results (including error messages) sent to external. You will be able to measure the time consumed by each individual step.


Please go to transaction SLG1 or SLGD. Please search for logs of object /XALM/CC5.

Please adjust your ALV layout when using SLG1 the first time. By default the log record list is containing only message type and message text. For a detailed analysis you should display the following fields in the mentioned sequence defining and using a new default ALV variant.

  1. Message Type

  2. Level of Detail

  3. Message Text

  4. Problem Class

  5. Date/Time

  6. Message Type

  7. Message Class

  8. Message Number

Default settings:

By default the logging is

  • switched on in customizing & development clients. All details are logged. (I, S, W, E, A, X)

  • partially switched on in test & training clients. Only messages of at least medium problem class are logged. (S, W, E, A, X)

  • switched off in production & demo clients. Only messages of at least important problem class are logged. (E, A, X)

Customer settings:

You as a customer can switch on fully, switch on partially or switch off the logging feature for a certain logging group (object + sub-object + ext.no). Please go to transaction SM30 and open customizing view /XALM/LOG_F_V. Here you can define and change filters of priority 1. If you use customizing table /XALM/LOG_F_C instead, please only define/change filters of priority 1. Please never define & change settings of priority 0 or 2. If you define multiple filter settings fitting to a certain log group, the most priorized & most specified filter setting will be used.

User specific settings:

if you want to switch on or of the filtering for a certain user, you can use user parameter /XALM/LOG_USER_LEVEL in transaction SU01 or SU3. Here you can specify a detail level between 1 and 9 which also correlates with the problem class. Chose 1..4 for less, 5..7 for medium and 8..9 for all details.

Supported steps:

/XALM/CC5 ACTION: Currently we are supporting transport request related action triggered from external or called by another action. Some internal actions like load entity, create entity (including assign/couple), delete entity (including deassign/decouple), save entity are not supported yet.

/XALM/CC5 CHECK: Currently we are supporting check used as consistency check or used as action start condition. Some build-in checks like field domain check or mandatory field check are not supported yet.

/XALM/CC5 DETERMINATION: Currently we are not supporting determinations or calculations. Please raise a request if needed.


If you want to be informed automatically in case of any issues related to the Cross Connector, you can schedule transaction SLGD as regular job. You can restrict the selection to important log entries of CC5 of today. You can store the result into spool. You can setup an automated e-mail forwarding to a certain e-mail address in SE37.