OData service cannot be activated or used?

OData service cannot be activated or used?

SAP Gateway HUB definition/registration “GW_HUB”

Described in our installation guide, you have to activate the OData service /XALM/CC5_TR_SRV after first installation. This has to be performed only once. However, you should check and repeat this activity after every upgrade.

You can do the activation in transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE or SEGW or SICF.

If you try to do that using transaction SEGW instead of /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE, you might face the issue that the node GW_HUB is missing in section “service administration”. if this is the case, your SAP Gateway is not configured completely. Please complete your configuration described in SAP node 2550286.

System alias “LOCAL” or “LOCAL_SM”

During activation in /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE you have to assign a system alias if not already done so far. CC5 is getting delivered using LOCAL_SM prior to version 2.2.0 and LOCAL since version 2.2.0. Both aliases should work if they are existing. LOCAL should always exists. LOCAL_SM should exists in ever SAP Solution Manager system. If the system alias LOCAL or LOCAL_SM are not existing and if there is no other alias available or working, you have to check/correct your SAP Gateway settings as described in SAP note 1786290. Please also check out SAP note 2957858 in case a system alias is existing but not valid.

If you activated the OData service with a not existing or wrong system alias assigned, every call from our Jira app will alert/raise an error message, that the system alias is not existing or wrong. Usually you will get this error message already during service activation. You will not get this error message if you are performing a change on the alias settings afterwards.

Ressource not found for segment …

From time to time we are introducing new features including new odata endpoints (entity sets or function imports). If you face error messages with message text “ressource not found for segment …”, you need to update the SAP side in sync with the Jira side.

If this is not helping, you might face the issue, that the odata definition got already updated but the odata model cache is still outdated. Please clear the model cache to fix the issue.

  1. /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE → Goto → Cleanup of Model Cache → Cleanup Cache for all Models.

  2. /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE → Service /XALM/CC5_TR_SRV → Service Implementation → Cleanup Cache. (Alternatively transaction /IWBEP/REG_SERVICE can be used to open Service Implementation.)


For verification please call /IWFND/GW_CLIENT with /sap/opu/odata/XALM/CC5_TR_SRV/$metadata and perform a metadata read test. This call should work. It should return all meta data. These meta datze should including the previous missing entity set, attribute or function import.

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