Activate and Maintain oData-Service
Before you start, contact to receive the Transport Requests containing the additional enhancements for this process.
After importing the transport request you will need to activate the oData-Service that is responsible for accepting the calls coming from your Jira instance.
For this, open transaction /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE and search the entry /XALM/CC5_TR_SRV
The result:
Now, for properly maintaining the service we have to make sure that the oData ICF node is activated and the correct system alias is maintained.
Activating oData ICF node
Simply select the entry ODATA and choose Activate from the drop down
You should get the following confirmation message
When the traffic light next to the entry is green the service is active
Maintain System Alias
Click on Add System Alias
Create a New Entry
Create the following entry:
Service Doc. Identifier | Sap System Alias |
The other fields are not necessary
To check whether the oData-Service is working correctly, open transaction /n/IWFND/GW_CLIENT
Insert /sap/opu/odata/XALM/CC5_TR_SRV as request URI
When you hit Execute (F8) you should get a successful feedback with return code 200 from your system
When you click on Entity Sets the option REQUEST Collection has to be available
Selecting the option appends it to the URI making it: /sap/opu/odata/XALM/CC5_TR_SRV/REQUESTCollection
When executing this call you should receive a list of all transport requests that have been created via this service. (This list will be empty initially)