Interoperability & Compatibility with TMS features
This page will give you an impression of features implemented & supported, not supported, tested, not tested, planned, rejected, … Please note that this list is incomplete and may depend on your product version. It really just tries to give you an impression. We cannot garanty features which are not implemented or not tested so far. lease contact us if you miss any feature or in case you are determining any mismatch.
ID | Feature | Status | Comment |
SE09-B | Actions: Create TR, Release TR, Create/Add Task, Couple TR, Decouple TR, Create & Import ToC | Yes | Basic TMS features are supported. |
SE09-X | Actions: Change Description, Change Owner, Release Task, Re-add to Buffer, Add Object piecelist, … | Planned | Additional TMS features are planned. |
STMS | Features: TR Import with umodes, import single/subset, import scheduling, Calculate next systems & import status, … | Yes | Basic STMS import features are supported. |
TRTYPE | Transport Request Types: Customizing, Workbench, Transport of Copies, … | Yes | Workbench and Customizing Transport Requests can be created and managed. Transport of Copies can be created based on another Transport Request. Other types of Transport Requests cannot be created but coupled and managed (= release and import). |
CTC=0 | Simple landscapes without clients and target groups | Yes | Supported. |
CTC=1 | Complex landscapes with clients and target groups | Yes | Supported. |
PROJ | CTS Projects | Yes | Can be chosen on TR creation. CTS Project Switches will be opened & closed automatically in Solman scenario and respected in None-Solman scenario. |
DL | Without Domain Link | Yes | Not needed. |
VIRT | Virtual Systems part of the Landscape | Yes | Supported (since 2024/08) |
QAP | Quality Assuance Procedure | Maybe | Should be supported but not tested yet. |
PIC | Project Intersection Check | Maybe | Should be supported but not tested yet. |
CSOL | Cross System Object Lock | Planned | Not supported yet but planned as future improvement. |
DGP | Downgrade Protection | Planned | Not supported yet but planned as future improvement. |
ATC/CI | ABAP Test Cockpit / Code Inspector | Planned | Not supported yet but planned as future improvement. |
CTS+ | Enhanced Change and Transport System | Maybe | Should be supported but not tested yet. |
cCTS | Central Change and Transport System | No | Customers and Transport Collections are not used. |
cTMS | Cloud Transport Management System | Planned | Not supported yet but planned as future improvement. |
ATO | Adaptation Transport Organizer | Planned | Transport Activities in S/4 HANA Public Cloud are managed by ATO controlled by cTMS. As soon as we are supporting cTMS, we will be supporting ATO automatically. |
gCTS | git-enabled Change and Transport Sysem | Maybe | Should be supported but not tested yet. |
TL | Task List | Yes | TR is getting assigned to Task List if related CTS project is beeing used. Release and Import can be controlled by Task List. |
ChaRM | Change Request Management | Partially Planned | A Transport Request controlled by ChaRM can be assigned. Some CC5 features are blocked if ChaRM is controlling the TR. However Transport Requests created by CC5 are not automatically registered to ChaRM and Transport qests created b ChaRM are no automatially registered to CC5. This full integration can only be established together with CC4. This feature is planned as future improvement. |
CC4 | Cross Connector for Ticket Synchronization with Jira, ServiceNow and other external ticket tools | Planned | Please have a look at ChaRM. |
JIRA | Frontend: Jira | Yes | We are supporting Jira DC and Jira Cloud. Please note that some features are only existing in one of them. However we are trying to keep both align. But of course a new feature will be implemented either on DC or Cloud first. |
SNOW | Frontend: ServiceNow | Planned | There is an app for ServiceNow planned but not implemented yet. |
SOLMAN | Backend: SAP Solution Manager | Yes | This is our standard use case where CC5 is getting installed on SAP Solution Manager and where we can controll all managed systems configured there. |
S/4 HANA | Backend: S/4 HANA | Yes | We are supporting any S/4 HANA On-Premise and Private Cloud either as managed system or as controlling system. S/4 HANA Public Cloud is not supported yet. |
BW/4 HANA | Backend: BW/4 HANA | Yes | BW/4 HANA is supported as managed systems where transport requests can be created, released or imported. It is not supported as managing system where CC5 can be installed. This is caused by a missing software component S4FND which is not available in a BW/4 HANA system. Please use your S/4 HANA system as managing system. |
BTP | Backend: BTP | Planned | SAP BTP ABAP Environment is a Public Cloud. Public Cloud is currently not supported. As soon as we are supporting cTMS, we will support BTP as well. |
ABAP | Backend: SAP Netweaver 7.40 and above | Yes | We are supporting any On-Premise or Private Cloud ABAP systems with at least SAP Netweaver 7.40 either as managed system or as controlling system. We need at least software components SAP_BASIS, SAP_ABA and S4FND or SAP_BS_FND. |
ABAP | Backend: SAP Netweaver prior to 7.4 | Maybe | Maybe we are supporting systems prior to 7.40 as well if software component CTS_PLUGIN is installed. This is not tested/verfied yet. |