Issue Properties


In order to search for transport details, we added the transport details in the Issue Properties to CC5 Application. With the properties you have the opportunity to create consistency checks with scriptrunner or to search for transport details via JQL statements.

This feature is currently only available for CC5 DC.


  • The following properties are available for a Transport Request (if applicable for a given TR)

Issue Property Key


Issue Property Key


  • devSystem

Development System of the Transport

  • trGuid

Transport GUID

  • trNumber

Transport Number e.g. SMEK904221

  • trType

Transport type

  • Customizing

  • Workbench

  • T → Transport of Copies

  • trOwner

SAP User ID of the Transport Owner

  • trStatus

Transport status. The following transport status are available:

D → Modifiable

L → Locked

O → Release started

R → Released

N → Released (Import protection for repaired objects active)

W → Waiting for Import in DEV

I → Imported into DEV

Q → Imported into QAS

P → Imported into Production

F → Import failed

J → Import running

  • customerAction

Customer Action that is entered as description in CC5 customizing

  • nextSystem

Followup system for the next import

  • parentNumber

Only for ToCs → Transport number of releated transport request

  • parentGuid

Only for ToCs → Transport Guid of releated transport request

  • lastRefresh

Last refresh of ticket

The Issue properties will only be present and consistent for an existing Jira issue after clicking “Sync” once after upgrading into this feature.



There are two types of issue properties available:

  • `cc5-tr-sync-pretty`

    • Example below

    • lists a list of TRs, each with their own data

    • for use with e.g. scriptrunner

{ "key": "cc5-tr-sync-pretty", "value": [ { "devSystem": "SME~ABAP/800", "trGuid": "00155D19030F1EEF90D5D41BCE6BCB1F", "trNumber": "SMEK904221", "trType": "Customizing", "trOwner": "WENZELM", "trStatus": "D", "customerAction": "iinitial", "nextSystem": "SME~ABAP/801", "lastRefresh": "15.07.2024 15:50:02" }, { "devSystem": "SME~ABAP/800", "trGuid": "00155D19030F1EEF90D5D4230DF36B1F", "trNumber": "SMEK904223", "trType": "Workbench", "trOwner": "WENZELM", "trStatus": "D", "customerAction": "iinitial", "nextSystem": "SME~ABAP/801", "lastRefresh": "15.07.2024 15:50:02" }, { "devSystem": "SME~ABAP/800", "trGuid": "00155D19030F1EEF90D5D6F8F4A34B1F", "trNumber": "SMEK904225", "trType": "T", "trOwner": "WENZELM", "trStatus": "Q", "customerAction": "iimport", "nextSystem": "SME~ABAP/803", "parentNumber": "SMEK904223", "parentGuid": "00155D19030F1EEF90D5D4230DF36B1F", "lastRefresh": "15.07.2024 15:50:02" } ] }


  • `cc5-tr-sync`

    • has the previously stated fields with a trailing (e.g. `trGuids` or `trStatuss`)

    • for every TR, their value for the respective field is added to a long string, seperated with semicolon(;)

    • can be used in JQL, as these fields are indexed for searches

    • can also be used for Scriptrunner, but the “pretty” version should be used and prefered where possible 

{ "key": "cc5-tr-sync", "value": { "devSystems": "SME~ABAP/800;SME~ABAP/800;SME~ABAP/800;", "trGuids": "00155D19030F1EEF90D5D6F8F4A34B1F;00155D19030F1EEF90D5D41BCE6BCB1F;00155D19030F1EEF90D5D4230DF36B1F;", "trNumbers": "SMEK904225;SMEK904221;SMEK904223;", "trTypes": "T;Customizing;Workbench;", "trOwners": "WENZELM;WENZELM;WENZELM;", "trStatuss": "Q;D;D;", "customerActions": "iimport;iinitial;iinitial;", "nextSystems": "SME~ABAP/803;SME~ABAP/801;SME~ABAP/801;", "parentNumbers": "SMEK904223;null;null;", "parentGuids": "00155D19030F1EEF90D5D4230DF36B1F;null;null;", "lastRefreshs": "15.07.2024 15:50:02;15.07.2024 15:50:02;15.07.2024 15:50:02;" } }


JQL Use cases

In order to search for transport details, you can enter a JQL statement as follows. You need to start always with “[cc5-tr-sync].” and then add the desired search criteria with the value. Please find some JQL Examples below:[cc5-tr-sync].trNumbers ~ "SMEK904225"

Returns all Jira issues that have this transport listed

Supports wildcard operator likes this[cc5-tr-sync].trNumbers ~ "SME*"[cc5-tr-sync].trTypes ~ "Workbench"

Allows you to see all issues with workbench requests assigned to it[cc5-tr-sync].trOwners ~ "WENZELM"

Rerturns a list of issues with a certain transport owner