SAP - Focused Build Business Requirement SP08

SAP - Focused Build Business Requirement SP08

Configuration in Jira

This page deals with the configuration on SAP side, for Jira side please refer to the following page: JIRA - Focused Build Requirements SP08

Configuration in SAP

RFC Creation

Create the necessary RFC connection as describe here RFC Connectivityarchived

Synchronization User

Create a user in Solution Manager that will be used for executing incoming synchronization calls.

Authorization data of this user needs to be maintained on Jira side, please refer to 1.1 Connection Profilearchived


Activation of oData-Service

Open transaction /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE and search for the oData-Service /SALM/EXT_R2D_INTEG_SRV

Activate the Standard ICF Node

Maintain LOCAL_SM as System Alias


Configuration Profile

Call t-code SPRO and navigate to the integration of external requirements:

Double click on “Customizing for Outbound Update”

Create a new entry:

  1. Ext. Sys. GUID: the information from this field must be used in Jira when the connectivity is configured.

  2. Ext. Tool Integration: this fields will configure all the needed steps to trigger the interface in Jira.

    1. Destination: The RFC you have created on the Connectivity steps

    2. URI for update: /plugins/servlet/crossalm/cc4/updatestatuswebservice

    3. Update Req. Method: POST

    4. Jump in URL: /browse/#EXTERNAL_ID#