SAP - Focused Build Requirements SP04 (PLUS)
Before you start, contact Cross ALM - Support and Helpdesk to get the Transport Requests containing the additional enhancements for this processes.
Jira Configuration
This page details the set up process on SAP side, for the Jira counterpart please refer to the following pageJIRA - Focused Build Requirements SP04 (PLUS).
SAP Configuration
Call t-code SPRO and navigate to the follow path:
Double click on “External Tool Integration”.
Create a new entry on the folder “External Integration Profile” to represent the connection to Cross Connector.
In the folder “Process Type Mapping” create a entry for S1BR:
Transaction Type: For Focused Build Requirements, the only transaction code available is S1BR
Jump in URL: /browse/#EXTERNAL_ID#
Partner Function: can be let empty
On the folder “Inbound Status Mapping”, add all the status that were mapped in Jira according to your schema.
To make it easier to explain, we created a 1x1 relationship between the status from Jira to SAP Solution Manager. This is not a requirement and you are allowed to work with complex workflow strategies, which is supported by Cross Connector. In our case, our configuration is made based on the following diagram:
This is our final configuration:
With this, the configuration of the “External Integration Profile” is finalized. Please return to the menu and choose the option “Mapping for external Tool Integration”.
Create a new configuration:
Project: empty
Profile: The name of the “External Integration Profile” you have created previously
Destination: The destination that leads to your Jira system
URI for creation: empty
Create Req. Method: empty
URI for update: /plugins/servlet/crossalm/cc4/updatestatuswebservice
Update Req. Method: POST
Jump in URL: /browse/#EXTERNAL_ID#