Authentification type - Basic
Basic auth profile - create a authentification profile with SAP logon user and password
3. Activation/Deactivation Business Rules (Automations)
Info |
Require role: admin |
Navigate to All → System Definition → Business Rules:
Filter for: Application is CC4.
You can activate/deactivate BR as needed
Note |
Also, you can add conditions to the BR, but do not delete predefined conditions. |
4. Activation/Deactivation UI Actions (Buttons)
Info |
Require role: admin |
Navigate to All → System Definition → UI Actions:
Filter for: Application is CC4.
You can activate/deactivate UI Action as needed.
Note |
Also, you can add conditions to the UI action, but do not delete predefined conditions. |
5. Configuration Customizing
After installing the application, there will be some demo data for the configuration of the payloads (“parameter” set to *_payload)
Please use https:// to ensure security.
Select jump url for Parameter and enter the url of your SAP instance in Value.
Your url may look something like https:// <instance name>.sap.<firm name>.com:<port> (most likely will the port differ from the url in “host endpoint”).
4. Activation/Deactivation Business Rules (Automations)
Info |
Require role: admin |
Navigate to All → System Definition → Business Rules:
Filter for: Application is CC4.
You can activate/deactivate BR as needed
Note |
Also, you can add conditions to the BR, but do not delete predefined conditions. |
5. Activation/Deactivation UI Actions (Buttons)
Info |
Require role: admin |
Navigate to All → System Definition → UI Actions:
Filter for: Application is CC4.
You can activate/deactivate UI Action as needed.
Note |
Also, you can add conditions to the UI action, but do not delete predefined conditions. |
1.1. Connection Check
To ensure a connection to the SAP Solution Manager there are some components and an additional configuration on SAP side required before a connection can be established between ServiceNow and SolMan:
Info |
To configure the above, please follow the SAP-side configuration instructions |
... Testing the Connection
To ensure successful configuration of the host endpoint url (and implicitly Authentication profile) you can click the “Check Connection” button after creating the entry in Customizings:
Info |
Please check the troubleshooting & support section for help. |
3.2.2. Jump url
Select jump url for Parameter and enter the url of your SAP instance in Value.
Your url may look something like https:// <instance name>.sap.<firm name>.com:<port> (most likely will the port differ from the url in “host endpoint”).