You need a technical user on ServiceNow side for communication from SAP Solution Manager to ServiceNow.
Logon to your ServiceNow Instance with the technical user
Please check the logon to your ServiceNow Instance with the technical user created in the step before.
Verify authorizations
Required role: Admin
Go to All → System Security → Users and Groups → Users
Click “New” to create a new user.
Make sure “Internal Integration User” is selected and a password is set.
This users logon will be needed for the definition of the RFC destination on SAP side.
Your url may look something like https:// <instance name>.sap.<firm name>.com:<port> (most likely will the port differ from the url in “host endpoint”).
4. Activation/Deactivation Business Rules (Automations)
Info |
Require role: admin |
Navigate to All → System Definition → Business Rules:
Filter for: Application is CC4.
You can activate/deactivate BR as needed
Note |
Also, you can add conditions to the BR, but do not delete predefined conditions. |
5. Activation/Deactivation UI Actions (Buttons)
Info |
Require role: admin |
Navigate to All → System Definition → UI Actions:
Filter for: Application is CC4.
You can activate/deactivate UI Action as needed.
Note |
Also, you can add conditions to the UI action, but do not delete predefined conditions. |
6. Connection Check
To ensure a connection to the SAP Solution Manager there are some components and an additional configuration on SAP side required before a connection can be established between ServiceNow and SolMan:
Integration components on SolMan side required
o SAP user with logon data
o Endpoint url (to call into SAP system)
o Access url (to open SolMan page)
Info |
To configure the above, please follow the SAP-side configuration instructions |
6.1. Testing the configuration
To ensure successful configuration of the host endpoint url (and implicitly Authentication profile) you can click the “Check Connection” button after creating the entry in Customizings:
Is the configuration correct and a connection can be established to the SAP SolMan a pop-up with an info will come up:
If there is an error in the url or the logon data from the authentication profile an error message will come up:
Info |
Please check the troubleshooting & support section for help. |