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Authentification type - Basic
Basic auth profile - create a authentification profile with SAP logon user and password
Configuration Customizing
After installing the application, there will be some demo data for the configuration of the payloads (“parameter” set to *_payload)
Required role: x_calmg_cc4.customizing_user
Go to All → CC4 → Customizing
Create new entries:
With “Parameter” you can select what to configure.
Configuration ext_sys_guid
The ext_sys_guid defines thename of the configuration profile on SAP-side.
Choose “ext_sys_guid” for Parameter and enter as Value the name of your SAP-side configuration profile.
This will address the given configuration profile and is the default value for all tickets, unless redefined in specific payload definition (see section 3.3.2)
Configuration URLs
host endpoint and jump url are required to enable the communication to the SAP system and creation of a jump-link to the connected ticket.
Host endpoint
Select host endpoint for Parameter and enter the URL to your SAP instance in Value.
Your URL may look something like https:// <instance name>.sap.<firm name>.com:<port>.
Please use https:// to ensure security.
Jump URL
Select jump url for Parameter and enter the url of your SAP instance in Value.
Your url may look something like https:// <instance name>.sap.<firm name>.com:<port> (most likely will the port differ from the url in “host endpoint”).
1.1.3. Configuration payloads
For parameter ending with _payload you can define fields of the ticket, which you want to send to SolMan.
For the following payload definition Value does not need to be filled.
Payload are name-value pairs, where name is the attribute name on the SolMan side and value the technical field name of the task you want to synchronize or a constant value.
Attributes marked red are mandatory. update_payload
The definition for update is general for every task type you want to synchronize. It is needed to synchronize the changes of state applied to the ticket:
E.g.: “IVEXTID” is the name of the attribute concerning the external ticket ID (from SolMan perspective) and “number” addresses the number of your SNOW ticket.
This configuration is as shown so far complete. But don’t forget to activate (1) your configuration. incident_payload
Here you can define the payload to be sent specifically for incidents:
You can add or delete (1) attributes in the payload description, but don’t change any of the mandatory payload. Optionally you can also add the attribute “IVEXTSYSGUID” to define the ext_sys_guid specifically for this task_type.
In the end don’t forget to activate (2) your configuration. incident_task_payload
Here you can define the payload to be sent specifically for incidents:
You can add or delete (1) attributes in the payload description, but don’t change any of the mandatory payload. Optionally you can also add the attribute “IVEXTSYSGUID” to define the ext_sys_guid specifically for this task_type.
In the end don’t forget to activate (2) your configuration. change_task_payload
Here you can define the payload to be sent specifically for change_tasks:
You can add or delete (1) attributes in the payload description, but don’t change any of the mandatory payload. Optionally you can also add the attribute “IVEXTSYSGUID” to define the ext_sys_guid specifically for this task_type.
In the end don’t forget to activate (2) your configuration.
It is also possible to send custom fields or nested field content.
For example: “IVCUSTOM01” is an attribute that can refer to a customized field on SolMan or Snow side, in this case a custom field on SolMan side. If we define “change_request.number” the Number of the change_request connected to the current change_task will be send.
With “change_request” we reference the field “Change request” and with “.number” we access the ticket number of this Change request.
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