Cloud - Authorization Configuration

Cloud - Authorization Configuration

Jira End-Users will needed specific authorizations to be able to to interact with Transport Requests when they are using the Cross Connector. To customize the authorization groups, in the section “Customer Actions”, define which group can have access to which functionality:

End-User assigned to the group cross-connector-transport-admin can interact with all Cross Connector features.


The following table describes how the authorization groups works:

Action Type


Action Type



End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to create “Transport Requests”.

Button “New” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to delete “Transport Requests”.

Button “Delete” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to release “Transport Requests”.

Button “Release” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to couple “Transport Requests”.

Button “Couple” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to decouple “Transport Requests”.

Button “Decouple” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to import “Transport Requests”.

Button “Import” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to import “Transport Requests” into the production system.

Button “Import” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to import “Transport Requests” into the test/quality systems.

Button “Import” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to create “Transport of Copies”.

Button “Create ToC” is visible.


End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to execute the customer action.



End-Users assigned to the group described on the field “User Group” will be able to display the Release Management Cockpit.

If they are not assigned, they get the following error message:



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