Is Quality Gate Management (QGM) supported by the Cross Connector?

Is Quality Gate Management (QGM) supported by the Cross Connector?

Quality Gate Management is a lightweight alternative to Change Request Management (ChaRM) with a standardized / restricted workflow and full CTS/TMS power (like CSOL, DGP, Retrofit, …).

Since QGM is based on CRM Business Transactions (process types SMQC and SMQU) using tasklists, change cycles and transport requests registered in the ChaRM table /TMWFLOW/TRORD_N, the Cross Connector is able to support QGM without any restrictions. That means, you are able to create QGM changes by Jira, you can synchronize data and status changes afterwards. You are able to create Jira tickets (Bugs or user stories or what else) in Jira triggered by an QGM change, you can synchronize data and status changes afterwards. Since you are not allowed to copy and adjust the SMQC/SMQU process types, you have to add sync actions (PPF or SOCM) to the sap standard workflows. This is an upgrade safe activity, which you have to perform only once.


  1. Connecting ChaRM: Please use CC4.

  2. Connecting QGM: Please use CC4.

  3. Connecting Standalone Tasklist: Please use CC5 with tasklist integration switched on.

  4. Connecting TMS/CTS: Please use CC5 with tasklist integration switched off.